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Verifiable credentials


Digital credentials are an important corner stone of data minimisation and data portability. They are increasingly deployed by public and private sector organisations to assert information about individuals, organisations, and things. A credential is a structured digital document that contains key-value pairs (referred to as claims). For the assertion of information about individuals there are two commonly used data models, ISO mDL and W3C Verifiable Credentials.

While ISO mDL was conceived with a tightly defined use case in mind – the presentation of a digitally verifiable driver’s license – the intended application of W3C VCs was broader from the outset. Work is ongoing to create alignment between these two data models.

The W3C Verifiable Credentials (VCs) specification presents a standardised way for individuals, organisations and things to share information with third parties to prove they possess certain attributes, knowledge and permissions in a machine-verifiable way.

VCs comprise a set of claims made about a Holder / data subject. For example, they can present digital equivalents of physical documents such as driver licences, passports, birth certificates and qualifications. What differentiates them from physical documents and other non-secure forms of digital data is that they are tamper-resistant and can be cryptographically verified using digital signatures.

Check out the following VC use cases:

Meeco's Approach

Meeco's Secure Value Exchange (SVX) Credentials Management enables the full lifecycle of request, issuance, verification, and revocation of Verifiable Credentials.

  • Create custom credential schemas
  • Design and issue Verifiable Credentials
  • Streamline request and verification flows
  • Onboard trusted Issuers and Verifiers
  • Develop networks for trusted participants

SVX Credentials can be accessed via a user-friendly web portal or custom workflows can be integrated into existing systems via an API.

Use Credentials to develop a range of new services based on cryptographically proven, tamper-proof data exchange that mitigates fraud and utilises standards to achieve interoperability across ecosystems.

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Experience all components of SVX via our user-friendly Portal

  • Issue, verify and revoke credentials
  • Create connections between organisations and wallet holders
  • Manage administrators
  • Create applications for easy integration
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