White label cloud or mobile wallet.

Wallets are increasingly front and centre of brands’ strategies to build valuable and trusted relationships with their customers. They provide a powerful tool for a wide range of use cases, from holding education and health care certificates to managing NFTs and carbon tokens.
The wallet provides each user with a decentralised identifier (DID) which allows them to interact with third parties without providing any personally identifiable information (PII). This ensures the user’s identity is kept private and safe.
Our Wallet and Verifiable Credential (VC) services utlise the OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance (OIDC4VCI) specification for credential issuance. In addition, we also utilise the OpenID Connect for Verifiable Presentations (OIDC4VP) specification for the verification of credentials. Both specifications enable interoperability between user systems, including authorisation mechanisms, and ensure each party can operate independently of the other party.
The Meeco Wallet provides full support for W3C compliant DIDs.